Do you have a favorite brand of lip balm? I'm a HUGE fan of the Maybelline Babylips right now, Burt's Bee beewax lipbalm use to be my must have for yeaaaaaars now, but now i can't live without this!
So i was so glad that they released the pink tinted babylips! Bought the Pink Blast onr to try it out and i'm loooooooving it even more than the normal untinted ones.
Love how it gives this soft pinky sheen, giving it a healthy pinky just-kissed pouts. No eeky sticky/greasy feeling either! Awesome! (:
I think this lipbalm is gonna stay in my must-have list for a long.. long time.

Heheh, mummy came home a couple nights back and surprised me with a new riri! Hahahah, my door was half closed and she hid behind my door and poke riri's head into my room and said: "HELLO JIE JIE!" LOL My mommy's so mad cute.
Now he lies beside me and watch me sleep everynight. Awwww. hahaha someone on instagram commented and said that it's Edward Cullen: Rilakkuma edition! Hahahahaha.
I've got the best mommy ever!
Loves, TheLuckiestChick.
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